Lost city of Atlantis

The lost city of Atlantis has two chief characteristics, firstly that it was located in the centre of a perfectly level, rectangular shaped plain in a continent opposite the Strait of Gibraltar and secondly and probably most importantly, that it had the distinctive shape of a circular central island surrounded by concentric rings of land and sea "enclosing each other like cartwheels"

This particular characteristic of an island enclosed within concentric rings of land and sea is so distinctive that none of the proposed Atlantis sites such as Thera (Santorini), Crete, Malta or Sicily nor the Azores can claim this distinction, not only that but the 2005 Milos Conference held in Greece doubted the existence of such a characteristic at all.

But an island of these characteristics does exist, besides it is in the centre of a level, rectangular shaped plain presently known as the Altiplano in Bolivia which in turn is in the centre of the continent opposite the "Pillars of Hercules or Strait of Gibraltar."

lost city of atlantis city of atlantis
some popular concepts of Atlantis with its central island surround by rings of land and water.

lost city of atlantis
Plan of Atlantis showing the sentral island 5 stades surrounded by ring of water 1 stade wide,
ring of land 2 stades, ring of water, 2 stades, ring of land 3 stades and ring of water 3 stades.

In the beginning, the god of the sea, known as "Poseidon" in Greece and "Tunupa" in the Aymara region of Bolivia, dwelt on the island in the centre of the plain, and "in order to make it inaccesible to man, broke it off all round about, creating rings of land and rings of water, enclosing each other alternately, like cartwheels."

Pampa Aullagas
Pampa Aullagas still has the remains of concentric rings of land and depressions which would have held water when the nearby lake or inland sea had a higher level.

Atlantis in Bolivia Lake Poopo 50 stades from the sea
Oblique satellite photo showing Pampa Aullagas 50 stades from the sea.

Pampa Aullagas channel Pampa Aullagas channel
above (left) middle channel and (right) inner channel, south side of Pampa Aullagas.

Pampa Aullagas
above, middle channel, south side of Pampa Aullagas.

Pampa Aullagas
above, inside the middle channel, south side of Pampa Aullagas.

Pampa Aullagas
above, inner circle on the northern side.

Pampa Aullagas
above, inside the outer channel, west side of Pampa Aullagas.

Pampa Aullagas middle channel
above, the middle channel, northern side of Pampa Aullagas.

lost city of Atlantis at Pampa Aullagas

Now consider these two characteristics, the volcanic island with the concentric rings of land was located in the centre of a level, rectangular shaped plain, 5 miles from the sea and consider the above drawing; it is very clear that the island with the concentric rings of land at Pampa Aullagas is as Plato described it, in the centre of the level rectangular plain 5 miles from the sea.

We must conclude therefore, that Pampa Aullagas is indeed the original home of the origin of the legend of Atlantis

Atlantis Pampa Aullagas location map

sailing to Atlantis
sailing to the lost city of atlantis
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